Archer - Sagittarius
By Jove! Jupiter, the lucky planet is on your side. Time for bold plans and an opportunity to live the luxury version of yourself.
Have you ever wondered if astrology is nothing but a bad joke? After all, you are under Jupiter’s reign, and yet the lucky planet was quite restrained with you. You retreated into your imagination for comfort and almost disappeared into obscurity. But that is over now. In 2019, Jupiter takes shelter in Sagittarius, which is his - and your - astrological home.
This means that virtually all areas of the Sagittarius’ life enter a phase of maturity. In matters of the heart, in fitness and at work, you will reap the fruits of your labor. Particularly your immediate environment is brimming with harmony. Singles will receive preferential treatment on the dating circuit until the beginning of December, but should start looking around with eagle eyes from January to Valentine's Day: Thanks to Mars' additional support, the course is set for love at first sight. If sparks should fly in the coming months indeed, it will probably be forever.
Keeping your dreams and ambitions on a long leash will help you make the most of Jupiter's influence. Do not deny your needs and set yourself bold goals - just what Sagittarius does best. 2019 is the year to live the luxury version of yourself. Vacation in distant places. If you are flirting with a promotion or are contemplating another professional change, moving abroad might offer real opportunities for advancement. Even a voluntary demotion to make it happen might make sense, because the experience and opportunity for further training in another language and culture will more than make up for what seems like a step back.
Your optimism also influences your physical condition. You radiate self-confidence and unbridled lust for life. It is easy for you to follow a healthy diet. You do not need stimulants or sweet and alcoholic poisons; adrenaline naturally circulates in your blood.
While starting in March your love life should be steadier and quieter than in the past seven years, your circle of acquaintances will be enriched with some interesting newcomers. Whether these new connections are with business leaders, designers, inventors or diplomats, you will find plenty of intellectual stimulation in 2019. And you will see that, without prompting, these contacts will tap new horizons for you, which in turn will positively impact your self-image.

On the professional front, the full moon on February 19 indicates the successful completion of an important project. Maybe a job comes to an end, but there is good reason to assume that something new will appear on the horizon, something more suited to your desire for innovation. When on March 6 Uranus enters your House of Routines for the next seven years, all signals turn for a more creative and less regulated workflow. Between August 18 and October 4, the stars are aligned for professional reorientation. Explore your options, initiate potential interviews. It's easy for you, you have a gift for making spontaneous connections.
Saturn is teaching you to manage your money more effectively. The trend will last until the end of 2020. On January 6, July 2 and 16 as well as December 26, you will be busy considering the right balance of salary and spare time. A promotion may be in the offing, which of course involves more responsibility. Dare to make the leap, you will soon hit solid ground.
At the beginning of December, Jupiter will stand by your finances, rewarding you for all the overtime you worked and the sacrifices you made. The lucky planet is planning a big entrance during the holiday season. When Jupiter encounters the sun on December 27, he‘ll spill his horn of plenty over you again. At the turn of the year, the barometer is set on good weather.

Typical Sagittarius: as easy to maintain and diverse as the carnation (600 species). And yet, neither the flower nor those born under Sagittarius can tolerate emotional frostiness.