Fish - Pisces
The stage is set, the spotlight turns on you. What are you waiting for? Jupiter, planet of good fortune, pours champagne.
You will not be able to hide in 2019. Because Jupiter has entered your 10thHouse, the house that promises extraordinary achievements, honors and rewards. So you'll step into the limelight, whether you like it or not. Your unfailing instincts provide the magical touch for just the right timing. Abundant opportunities unfold, no matter which social landscape you inhabit. If you keep a cool head and an eye on what you expect from your future, it will be easy for you to winnow the possibilities. Since Jupiter only stops by your 10thHouse every twelve years, you should concentrate on long-term opportunities.
Even if more responsibility is waiting for you, it will not scare you, because Saturn's transit through your 10thHouse from 2015 to 2018 has prepared you well. You had to work hard for even the smallest step forward, several challenges put your resilience to the test, and you could not afford to make a mistake. That benefits you now. Share your vision with influential people, and do not be afraid to promote yourself. 2019 needs your ideas!
Since the sign of your 10thHouse is Sagittarius, a travel-loving fire sign, the new professional perspectives will incorporate an international dimension. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, might be preparing a platform in the theater of grand illusions for you - in film, television or other (digital) media of make-belief. So, do not underestimate your creative side. You may already have received a taste of the positive developments to come around November 25, 2018, when Jupiter and the Sun mingled in your House of Career for the first time since 1995.
When Venus meets Jupiter on January 22, you’ll walk on air - financially - all the way to cloud nine. This repeats on November 24, then under the influence of Neptune, which suggests artistic success. For the past seven years, Uranus has gone through your 2ndHouse of Material Merit, and your accounts experienced a lot of turbulence. Now that you are prepared for any scenario and have placed your savings in low-risk investments, on March 6, the Surprise Planet will move into your 3rdHouse, where he already paid a quick visit in 2018, and give you a sense of material security. From now on, Uranus romps in Taurus, where your communicational talent and creative potential are at stake.

This impact lasts until 2026, so it's worth realizing the blog you’ve been dreaming of or subscribing to the Creative Writing course that good friends have been recommending for a while. You’ll have to learn by doing, because the setbacks and daring advancements that are typical for Uranus are now affecting this more playful area of your life.
The solar and lunar eclipses of the year accentuate your love and social life. On January 6, a party could connect you with important people. If you are single, July 2 promises romance, and July 16 calls upon your commitment to a friendship. Perhaps it was you who in 2018 questioned a person's loyalty? This state of crisis continues.
The eclipse on December 26, on the other hand, brings hours of harmony surrounded with those who are good for you, and perhaps also the realization of a dream you passionately cherish. A friend may have your back despite holiday obligations. At the end of the year, your love relationship might become official in engagement or marriage. Or your first book - hot off the press - might arrive in your mailbox. You may also pack your suitcases for a career project abroad. Your prospects are literally heavenly. In any case, there is enough reason for a finale doused in champagne.

Typical Pisces - and Ranunculus: The diplomat among the zodiac signs and the flower are gentle, multi-layered and multi-compatible.