Ram - Aries
21. MARCH - 20. APRIL
Finally! Adventure calls. Jupiter, the lucky charm from the heavens, embraces you. The result: money, love, and freedom abound.
Have you, in recent months, felt as if your range of motion had been restricted, as if someone had willfully put hurdles in your way? Not anymore. Your characteristic taste for adventure, your enthusiasm and even your passion heat up again. Not only your introspective gaze wanders yonder. Whether your job takes you abroad or you go watch gorillas in Rwanda or sail in Alaska - everything will increase your strength, broaden your horizons and expand your heart.
You’ll get support from Jupiter, the cosmic lucky charm, who makes everything he touches even bigger and more exciting. Until December, he is in Sagittarius, the fire-sign most closely related to you. Jupiter prompts you to feed sugar to your monkey, and your monkey is called freedom. You can do as you please for an entire year, provided you avoid the worst blunders and gaffes that make a stubborn Aries stumble.
To test the waters, we recommend that you take a short trip with loved ones, perhaps even with your most recent conquest. Venus, the love planet, joins forces with Jupiter on January 22 to form a dream team - the perfect basis for a romantic excursion where sparks may fly. For lasting bonds, the winter holiday is an ideal trial (ski?) run.
Whether you start a start-up at the beginning of the year, open a couture studio or move into new offices, be prepared to make do with little sleep for a while. Energy Planet Mars will traverse your zodiac sign until mid-February. He requires high speed and tight timetables. This is the only way you can achieve the coveted quantum leap. Fortunately, you are not known to whine or complain. You are used to outdo yourself on short notice and for short distances.
After a brilliant first half of January, you can take a deep breath. You recover quickly, because despite the whirlwind at work you rarely lose sight of your goals. That's a good thing, and during the first weeks of February, your friends are your Holy Grail. Invite everyone to a party. The perfect occasion to discuss anything and everything. By definition, friends are the right ear to turn to when sensitive issues need to be voiced.
With Jupiter in the 9thHouse of Intellectual Development, personal growth is ensured, and you may advance beyond your wildest dreams. The upward trend of the year 2019 will prompt you to test your limits. And anyone who has ever watched a young ram during a spontaneous contest knows how much you, as an Aries, care. Do you have a book inside you but never found enough time to write it? If your will power is unbroken, don’t say you lack the courage. As you know, genius is 90 percent sweat and 10 percent inspiration. Considering your charisma, chances are you’ll find influential support.

Financially, set your course upward as well. The competition appreciates your talents and you are always a coveted target in a hostile takeover. But you are far too faithful a soul to change your base unless you have to. Play your cards well and set your superior’s seat on fire with the competition’s offers, preferably in early May. Even if you’ll have you wait for concrete commitments until the summer: You have hit the jackpot once again. The strong emphasis on your 8thHouse promises higher earnings in 2019 than ever before.
But good fortune is based on give and take. Success goes hand in hand with higher expenses. Your new standard of living requires more elegant clothing, a brighter home, a new kitchen ... Keep in mind that personal growth may also include a potential addition to the family. 2019 will be your year of expansion it’ll be so breathtaking that you’ll remember it fondly for a long time.

Typical Aries: Like the zodiac sign, the thistle stands for pride and steadfastness. Improper treatment can be painful.