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Twins - Gemini


22. MAY - 21. JUNE 

Silence is silver, talking is gold. Your communicational talent helps you outgrow yourself. Thanks to Jupiter, Neptune and Venus.


Communication is your essence. And if there is no one to talk to, you just chat with yourself. In 2019, that won’t be necessary, because right from the beginning of January, others want to set ambitious goals for you - whether it's at the altar or as part of a dream team at work. Anyway, you'll be whistling showtunes at breakfast. Even if you would do well in a musical, your real talent is the magic show. Nothing is easier for you than secretly swiping wallets, making rabbits disappear and keeping ten balls in the air simultaneously. Juggle as you please, particularly with words. In your case, silence is silver and talking is gold.


Jupiter, who has entered your House of Partnership as early as November 2018, is now firmly established there and strong as ever. Your contacts with agents, managers, lawyers and other consultants and experts that can make your life easier have multiplied. In recent years, you may have been disappointed by a business partner who displayed a serious lack of fair play. Back then, between December 2014 and December 2017, a dark Saturn wandered through your House of Partnership. Now you can shelve these experiences. Now it’s time to rely on Jupiter’s generosity - he’ll even be kind to you in matters of the heart.


Whether you are single or in a happy relationship, you’ll have a fantastic year in all things love. Mars is ablaze and reaches Gemini at the end of March, bringing along loads of self-esteem and heating up your sex appeal to an optimal temperature. Your work-life balance shifts significantly in favor of your personal life, and you cannot imagine anything better than cuddling up on the sofa, binge watching your favorite show on weekends. When between June 9 and July 3 Venus traverses Gemini, your seductive powers are beyond control. Venus adorns you with legendary charm, which goes hand in hand with a need for aesthetic improvement. You are carefully considering your appearance and spend more time than usual in front of a mirror. This is the perfect attitude for sorting out your wardrobe - and filling in the gaps. Until the end of June, all measures for beauty and renewal-shopping sprees, teeth whitening or even plastic surgery - will be safe-guarded by Venus.


But that’s not all. In July, a friendly Neptune supports all creative activities, especially if you are involved in the film and photo industry, but also if you are committed to humanitarian projects. Since Neptune often acts in secret, you might benefit from an anonymous recommendation. However, you should be careful with your finances in 2019 and you’ll have to show proof for incidentals on your travel expenses. But in July, your accounts should recover.

Starting on September 28, another powerful constellation will make your love life soar. The new moon falls into your 5thHouse of Deep Emotions. Mercury and Venus join in as well, and through the end of October, the possibilities are endless: light encounters, magical moments of intimacy and sparks of passion that bring your partnership to life. Even business partners seek you out and allow you to wrap them around your fingers - provided you have previously talked circles around them.


You’ve already intensified your handling of financial issues in 2018. This tendency will continue. The new moon on March 6 is an ideal start for further lucrative transactions. Although the stock market is likely to prove volatile in 2019, a triumvirate of Sun, Moon and Neptune now favors financial speculations. Get tips from the rich circle of your advisors. In December, profits are beginning to show and should be invested during a romantic peak on December 27.


Typical Gemini: Even active and energetic non-stop chatterboxes have to relax once in a while. The calming scent of lavender helps.

Source | Horoscope - VOGUE | Zodiac Icons 

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