Maiden - Virgo
For now you’re done with your beloved lists, plans and routines. Let your talent for multitasking run wild. Yes, that's possible!
Go ahead, admit it: It almost seemed like you could create an elegant equation between life itself and your comfortable routines. But 2019 does away with that. Because 2019 will be a year full of new responsibilities, watershed moments and exciting connections that will put your talent for multitasking to the ultimate test. You will work on several projects at the same time and in very different places. And yet, nothing occupies your mind as much as your home environment. This is because the mighty planet Jupiter is nesting in your 4thHouse of Home and Family until the beginning of December. There, Jupiter reinforces your already strong need for a place of retreat, where you feel utterly comfortable, a place you alone control, a place with th thoughtful and detailed organization of your own making.
Perhaps practical circumstances have thus far hampered the consistent realization of your vision: rooms that are not quite big enough, landlord requirements or a niece who has been living in your guest room for quite some time now. In 2019, these obstacles will disappear, perhaps even due to a move. For Jupiter's job description includes wish fulfillment. Tear down the walls in the old building of your dreams and find a gifted architect to complete the renovations: as long as you are on the road, and that may often be the case, you will not notice the dust and noise. In the meantime, it is best to rent a sparse apartment and put to the test what architect Rem Koolhaas calls "the existential minimum." You will be inspired. After all, the Virgo’s slogan is: "Less is more."
If you flirt with the idea to repurpose your second home for a romantic adventure, heed the warning: While Saturn is in your 5thHouse, even you will have a hard time combining pleasure and pragmatism. You will doubt your intuition and feel insecure - two handicaps that have no place in conquest and in love. You may be suffering from a long-distance relationship that burns on a passionate flame. But as an inherently loyal soul, you hate the ups and downs of passion. In some extreme cases, this may be a relationship between two workaholics, who lose touch emotionally without noticing - or wanting it.
During the new moon on January 6, half the planetary circle hangs in your 5thHouse. The result seems like a march of the fairies to celebrate the birth of your love life. The ladies will try to outdo and outmaneuver each other. This may lead to confusion, but it will also accelerate developments that have been progressing at a snail’s pace. Watch for signals and take the initiative. The emotional chaos may not resolve before December. That’s when Jupiter enters your House of Love. You will cast your net. Your turbulent love life finds a balance in more intense friendships. Enjoy yourself with abandon and listen to your faithful friends. Particularly in July you will experience first-hand how good it feels to bear your soul to friends.

Your career development is no cause for worry in 2019. Mars provides tailwind from March 31 to mid-May. Unbridled self-promotion is called for. Bypass all envious colleagues and bring your ideas directly to your supervisor. And your homepage could do with a facelift. You will not have to wait long for feedback. Go through attractive offers with a fine-tooth comb, because Neptune might impair your otherwise sharp common sense. Mind you, it's not just about the paycheck. The realization that you can fare well even without your trusted routines and domestic idyll is worth all the hardships you endured this year. ​

Typical maiden: as enduring and versatile as the larkspur. Some experience their "blue miracle" with both of them.